dr n. med. Marcin Rut
- Orlando, USA, North American Spine Society Meeting
- The Royal College of Surgeons of England, Total Cervical Spine Solution
- World Spine V and the World Spine 2010 hands-on Course hosted by the Neurosurgery Clinic of Arta General Hospital and Medical School, University of Thessalia and Department of Neurosurgery Clevland
- Understanding of the Treatment of The Spinal Deformity, Lectures and live surgery by Dr Lawrence Lenke (USA)
- Minimally Invasive Intecranial Neurosurgery at The Royal College of Surgeons of England
- 7th Cervical Instructional Course Department of Human Anatomy, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
- Advances MIS (Minimal invasive spine surgery) Learning Centre, Univeristy od Barcelona, Spain
- Medtronic Summer University All Spine Solutions, Lizbon, Portugal
- Technical Advances to Skull Base Surgery at The Royal College of Surgeons of England
- Ballon Kyphoplasty Surgeon Training Medical University, Salzburg, Austria
Leczone choroby
- Leczenie chirurgii kręgosłupa.
- Operacje dyskopatii lędźwiowej, szyjnej
- Mikrochirurgiczne usunięcie dysku lędźwiowego,
- blokady zewnątrzoponowe
Umów wizytę
Jeśli chcesz umówić wizytę skorzystaj z wygodnej i szybkiej rejestracji online.
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